Forget the Former Things

As I lay on my bed engrossed in reading the Bible, a gentle whisper from the Holy Spirit, echoed the words of Isaiah 43:18 "forget the former things." Instantly, I discerned the significance of this message. It's a sentiment many of us have encountered at one point or another—dwelling on past mistakes, decisions, and failures. This tendency often shackles us, preventing us from achieving our fullest potential as we journey through life. The paralyzing thought of potential failure looms large, casting doubt on our ability to chart a different course and hampering our judgment in all matters. This, in essence, is the embodiment of self-sabotage.

As per Bornstein (2017), dwelling on past mistakes and failures, impact current decision-making process. Furthermore, a multitude of research has shown, individuals who ruminate on past events report elevated levels of stress and anxiety, further underscoring the detrimental effects of fixating on the past (Rosi, A et al., 2019; Michl, L et al., 2013; Aldao, A et al., 2014). 

We've all encountered moments of failure or challenges that left a lasting mark on our lives. In those times, we've fought fiercely against allowing those experiences to shape our future. One striking biblical figure who exemplifies rising above his past is the Apostle Paul.

Before his transformation, Paul was known as Saul of Tarsus—a fervent persecutor of early Christians, actively orchestrating the arrest and execution of Jesus' followers. His history was riddled with violence and opposition to the very faith he would eventually embrace. However, his life took an extraordinary turn on the road to Damascus. Accounts from the New Testament recount a profound encounter with the resurrected Christ that led to his conversion. This encounter fundamentally changed him, turning him from a persecutor of Christians into one of Christianity's most influential figures.

The narrative of Paul's ability to relinquish his past and embrace a renewed purpose is a testament to the transformative power of faith. He chose not to allow the weight of guilt or shame from his prior actions to tether him. Instead, he harnessed his energy to uplift countless lives and played a pivotal role in shaping Christian theology and doctrine. His story reverberates as a poignant illustration of redemption, forgiveness, and the potential for personal metamorphosis through faith.

As we venture into new seasons and chapters of life, the imperative emerges to relinquish the outdated and readily embrace the unfamiliar. Our willingness to unlearn and relearn paves the way for the uncharted territory that lies ahead. Just as Paul was open to the transformation of his mind and heart, we are urged to invite the renewal of our perspectives and the infusion of fresh ideas.

In conclusion, a pivotal question arises: What are you still holding onto that impedes the profound and transformative influence of faith? Just as Paul's story vividly attests, a commitment to God, coupled with a change of heart, can catalyze a journey toward a resounding and affirmative outcome.

Fikayo Bolujoko