Leadership Lessons for Healthy Building

For many believers, the concept of God's presence in the workplace is foreign. In today's secular society, God is typically associated with one's private life or within the walls of a church on Sundays.

However, in the Lord's prayer, we are called to pray, "Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven." Therefore, witnessing God's presence in our workplace is a fulfillment of this prayer. Every believer carries God's presence in the Holy Spirit, but work can often be isolating and discouraging when this is the sole vision we carry.

The book of Nehemiah begins with a broken and destroyed Jerusalem. The temple and walls have crumbled, and it seems as if God has abandoned the city. Yet, one man, Nehemiah, refuses to accept the status quo. He yearns to see God's presence manifested in the city. Recognizing the need for rebuilding to prevent enemies from taking over, he not only identifies this need but also proclaims the vision and invites others to join him, resulting in remarkable outcomes. Despite facing opposition and deception, Nehemiah inspires a group of believers to rebuild the wall, all with the aim of manifesting God's presence in the city.

This model presents a challenge for our own workplaces. Like Nehemiah, are we willing to recognize the need and seize the opportunity? Do we harbor a desire to witness God's pre sence and His Kingdom manifest in our workplace? Moreover, are we prepared to call upon and identify others to partake in the journey of creating something beautiful within our workplace?

Much like Nehemiah, our enemies in the workplace may try to mock and discourage us, suggesting that our efforts are futile and unendurable. Although it's easy to succumb to such discouragement, we should follow Nehemiah's example by holding steadfast to our vision and seeking God's strength to withstand those who wish to thwart our work.

In today's workplaces, discouragement can be pervasive. Few people may seem interested in spiritual matters, and the visible results may be minimal. However, the need to witness God's kingdom established in our workplace, just as it is in heaven, persists. Will you examine your workplace with a heart ready to rebuild its walls? Can you seek guidance from the Holy Spirit to identify others who share your vision? Is your longing to see God's presence evident in conversations and prayers?

Building is rarely a straightforward task; it often entails messiness. Nevertheless, we must remember that God loves our workplaces even more than we do. Perhaps, for such a time as this, He has placed us there to co-labour with others in constructing something beautiful for His glory. If you are interested in initiating this building work within your workplace, please do not hesitate to contact any member of our team to discuss the next steps.

James Tetley